dinsdag 23 november 2010

Ciné Privé

My graduation project is selected for the 4e edition of Ciné Privé, the filmfestival at home and on location.
( 23 t/m 26 februari 2011)

zaterdag 13 november 2010

Het grote ongeduld!

"The craving of the Scarecrow" is one of the three nominees animation for the Canvasprijs (Brussel)

vrijdag 12 november 2010

The Scarecrow is selected!

"The craving of the Scarecrow" is selected for the International Shortfilm festival (Leuven)

It'll play on saturday 4/12 (21:00) :: tuesday 7/12 (19:15) :: thursday 9/12 (21:00) :: friday 10/12 (15:00)
Location: Labozaal